pubg mobile releasing date in India and latest news about pubg games

Pubg mobile finally come to India soon this is official new share by pubg India official Youtube channel, pubg mobile share one video of 11 sec that is trailer pubg mobile and official are insure that game launch end of this month.

This game come with new feature and this is only for Indians that means this is a Indian sever and all the data is secure because this time Korean company partnership with Indian company so without worry play the game and there is no problem of data leak so play and enjoy.

Many youtuber very happy with this news but at this relaunch pubg mobile name is replace by battleground mobile India.

Not only name are change but many new things coming like clothes according to are culture so definitely this is big launch and make smile on many pubg lover.

Official trailer out in youtube and hope of Indian gamer come back with full of energy, many youtube gamer celebrate this moment and share their happiness in social media.

Hope Indian gamer or pubg lover very happy with is news

Date of release is not reveal but according to expert this launch end of this month. In every social media platform name is change (battleground mobile India) except Instagram.

Hope show this news make smile on your face in pandemic time and one request pls wear masks, don’t go outside if not important, we win this war together.

pubg mobile releasing date:

Pubg mobile finally come to India soon this is official new share by pubg India official Youtube channel, pubg mobile share one video of 11 sec that is trailer pubg mobile and official are insure that game launch end of this month.

This game come with new feature and this is only for Indians that means this is a Indian sever and all the data is secure because this time Korean company partnership with Indian company so without worry play the game and there is no problem of data leak so play and enjoy.

Hope show this news make smile on your face in pandemic time and one request pls wear masks, don’t go outside if not important, we win this war together.