Top 10 C questions for practice with solution for beginner.

here  top 10 ten question with solution for beginner. try your self and then go through solution.
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1.How to Print "Hello World" and also write personal detail using "printf" in "C language"? 

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2.print N number in increment or decrement order using while loop in "c language".

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3.Write a code to Find the volume of cube using "c language".

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4.Find the number is odd or even using c language?

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5.How to swap two number using third variable using c language?

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6.C program to make a basic calculator.

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     7.C program to find the square of all the number between 1 To N.

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     8.C program to calculate sum of N natural numbers.

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     9.find factorial of any number using c language?

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   10.find prime number using ‘c language’?

    Click here for solution  



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