Top programming practicals in python


Top programming practicals for practice in python from beginner to advance level.

We are updating this page every week and providing you with more and more programming practicals for your practice, so bookmark this page for the future.

  1. Write a python program to find the sum of N natural numbers.
  2. Write a python program to find the multiplication of N natural numbers.
  3. write a python program to check for prime numbers.
  4. write a python program to check a perfect number.
  5. write a python program to sort a list in ascending order without using the sort function.
  6. Write a python program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100.
  7. write a python program to sort a list in descending order without using the sort function.
  8. Write a python program to print prime numbers from 1 to N.
  9. Write a program to print the Fibonacci sequence using function.
  10. write a program to print the Fibonacci sequence using a recursive function.
  11. write a python program to check for vowels or consonants.
  12. Python program to check for leap years.
  13. Write a python program to filter odd and even numbers from the list.
  14. write a python program to make a simple calculator.
  15. Write a python program to create a number guessing game.
  16. Write a python program to Filter odd and even numbers from the list in python.
  17. Write a python program to create a hangman game.
  18. Write a python program to create a quiz game
  19. Write a python program to check for Armstrong Numbers
  20. Simple Python Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors